Use "have second thoughts|have second thought" in a sentence

1. No second thoughts

2. Second thoughts are best.

3. We having second thoughts?

4. As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.

5. Second, both manifest distinctive dispirited thoughts.

6. You're not having second thoughts, are you?

7. The relatively puny father-of-three could have been forgiven for having second thoughts when he was picked.

8. Oh, good, because I thought you were having second thoughts about abandoning your new town-and-country lifestyle.

9. The second is sexual immorality and impure thoughts.

10. My second suggestion: learn to control your thoughts.

11. You'll have to change into second.

12. Second, further impelled the thought emancipated.

13. – Some verbs have tenses called second Aorists (active, middle, and passive), second perfects and pluperfects (active only), and second futures (passive)

14. We shouldn't have to settle for second best.

15. Sometimes you have to settle for second best.

16. She seems to have acquired a second wind.

17. Millions of others have awaited Jesus’ second advent.

18. Do have a second helping there's heaps more.

19. But a new breed of policy wonk is having second thoughts.

20. A second form of personal thought is intuition.

21. Afterthought definition, a later or second thought; reconsideration

22. Can I please just have a second to Collect my thoughts before I respond? Susie paused to Collect her thoughts and come up with a tactful response to her seething sister

23. Batteries have become second nature in most toys today.

24. The first and second wing kinks have obvious Anhedrals

25. 2 Many divorced men remarry and have second families.

26. Second, Copes questions have Practical importance in several ways

27. 6 Bombs have a 15 second countdown before detonation.

28. Max's conversion must have seemed like a second betrayal.

29. Does anyone have a watch with a second hand?

30. Second, Falun Gong organizations have instigated troubles and incidents and have undermined social stability.

31. They only have a split second to grab the prize.

32. Second, we have to stop cautioning our girls willy-nilly.

33. Second Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.

34. The painting is thought to have been commissioned for their new home, and to celebrate the birth of their second son, Andrea.

35. Second-generation antiConvulsants are usually better tolerated and have a …

36. First, you have to be going eight kilometers a second.

37. On second thoughts(, maybe I won't apply for the job after all.

38. 15 I thought that one is exaggerates; second, wins ostentation.

39. The second blast is thought to have been a twin explosion which hit another market known as Monday market at around 12:30.

40. Second, Chickadees have a special ability to put on fat quickly.

41. Second, the U.N. would not have military forces of its own.

42. You'd have a second chance, through my research, to live again.

43. Summary Second-generation Antipsychotics should be used for approved indications Second-generation Antipsychotics can have significant metabolic side effects; these

44. They now have the Ambassador trapped somewhere on the second floor.

45. I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis.

46. We have one child and are expecting our second in July.

47. He concludes: “Is this not a most disturbing concept which needs some second thoughts?”

48. On the other hand, we have mental activity which enables us, second-by-second, to conceive of ourselves as mental entities.

49. This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.

50. 2 As for the money, don't give it a second thought.

51. For a second he thought that Howarth was about to demur.

52. 25 She hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose.

53. With increased speed, Bauds largely have been replaced with bits per second.

54. What signs of the Second Coming have been or are being fulfilled?

55. Give me your Second Sons and I may not have you gelded.

56. Ataxinomic That apt building should have taught second grade to your plank

57. Those who keep their second estate shall have glory, Abr. 3: 26 .

58. Happiness is easy to fake when you only have a split second.

59. Does the food of liver of kidney stone, second have inimical not?

60. 30 When asked a question, give yourself a second or two to compose your thoughts.

61. A second theme is that salespeople have a predilection for a quidproquo.

62. Ark is the second playable character to have heterochromia.The first being Luminous

63. And if I have 1 second of doubt whose side you're on.

64. A second-hand tractor front axle would have cost a lot more.

65. 28 On the other hand, we have mental activity which enables us, second-by-second, to conceive of ourselves as mental entities.

66. The Armenian Second Legion was thought to have been created around the end of the 3rd century or in the beginning of the 4th century.

67. Everybody could say it about his second wife though, he thought wryly.

68. Second, our ‘Neighbours First’ policy, also stems from a similar thought process.

69. Bluefish have two dorsal fins, with the second far larger than the first

70. We'll have to take out a second mortgage to pay for this holiday!

71. Second, the vestment, they have corresponded the sky numerous gods and the constellation.

72. They have beaten their rivals into second place in the package holiday market.

73. The second and third Cowsheds have 3 cows after the building is complete

74. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?”

75. The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar.

76. Money : Most of people , who have money , purchase , throw it away in second .

77. Second, mortality rates have sometimes been used as a proxy for morbidity rates.

78. 16 People who remarry may have second children if their new are childless.

79. How can I have cleaner thoughts?

80. Second Cousin: Your second Cousins are the people in your family who have the same great-grandparents as you., but not the same grandparents.